Friday 3 March 2017

Pastel Koru

We have been exploring blending colours using pastels. As a class we discussed the colour wheel and colour families then we chose 3 colours to practice with. We blended dark to light, being careful to blend the edges of the colours together.
We learnt about koru and looked at how NZ artist Reuben Patterson incorporated them into this artworks. In his glittery patterned artworks he used limited colours and repeated patterns.
After having some practice with drawing a koru shape we created our final koru's. We carefully created black outlines using creative paint and left them to dry. When our koru were ready we chose our 3 final pastel colours and coloured them in.
To display our koru Mrs Jackson arranged them together, each koru is connected - supporting or growing from another. This symbolises our class - we are all connected and if we help support each other we all will learn and grow.

Hartley and Mitchell carefully colouring their koru

Dylan and Lucas making careful colour choices

Sophie and Shelby working on their creations

Emilee and Braydon chose blue and green

Jakob and Austen carefully blending

Mia, Brodie and Archie - lots of blue here!

Lily and Kanisha - beautiful koru shapes
Our class koru...

Supporting each other and growing together...

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