Friday 8 July 2016


Today is the last day of the term and Mrs Jackson decided to do something a little different. We spent the morning in the world of Roald Dahl's 'The BFG'. We completed lots of different activities based around the book that included reading or listening to extracts from the book. We explored the different language that Roald Dahl used to describe characters in the story. We also found new made up words that he had created and decided whether they were positive words or not. Next we had a go at coming up with some new words of our own...

'smag' - smurf tag
'chiburger' - chicken burger
'cumato' - cucumber tomato

Who knows? They might catch on!!

One of the themes from the BFG is 'dreams'. As a class we talked about the two different types of dreams you can have - the sleeping kind and the goals for our future kind. We came up with our own goals for the future and wrote them down. Mrs Jackson created a Dream Jar to keep all of our dreams safe. Hopefully they don't mix themselves up like the BFG's dreams or we could have some pretty interesting futures!!

Everyone worked really hard all morning - well done Room 7! What a fun way to end the term!

Our class Dream Jar

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