Thursday 5 May 2016

Tessa's Quick Write

Today we had the chance to share some of the quick writes that we have created this week. We have been using interesting photos as our motivation. One photo was of a mouse dressed in spy gear hovering above a mousetrap full of cheese!
As a class we all really enjoyed Tessa's quick write about the mouse. We enjoyed it so much we made her read it again! We really liked how it rhymed and how she used repetition to make it interesting. It just has to be shared!

Pitter patter on the floor, 
little Johnny going out to explore.
He's a mouse with big secret - cheese maker by day and an international cheese thief by night!
Pitter patter climbing walls,
with spider suit and big hooked claws.
He's taking a trip to the sixteenth floor to steal some cheese from Mrs Moore.
Hooked claws opening doors, 
before he pitter patters on the floor,
past the camera and lazer beams and guard dog Mr Bean.
Makes his way to the cheese, 
only to see Mr Bean scoffing down the tasty cheese.

By Tessa


  1. That took a lot of hard thinking and great effort and it took all reading to made that idea well I wrote pitter patter on the floor then I got all this info all at once and made a interesting poem/story From Tessa

  2. And Mrs Jackson u wrote Lazer beans HEHE LAZER BEANS From Tessa

  3. Ha Tessa! I did too! All fixed now - good spotting!

  4. I really like the poem great WELL DONE
