We can hardly believe that it is already the end of week 3! We have had a very busy few weeks. Presenting our 'Gangsta Granny' assembly item was a highlight for students. Everyone enjoyed sharing their performances.
We have also started a new inquiry unit called 'A Street in Time' which is centred around a book that looks at the same scene over a long period of time - from the Stone Age right through to Modern Day. It has been really interesting going back and exploring what life would have been like and what challenges people would have faced. We have been noting how the early people had to adapt to their surroundings and be creative and inventive to solve problems and improve their lives.
As part of our learning we made clay pots using a coiling method. It was great fun working with the clay but also challenging.
Some of our clay pots - note the decorative marks around them. |
More pots ... |
All the pots were different sizes and shapes - all unique! |
This week we have been looking at how to find the area and perimeter of shapes. In particular we have been using our multiplication knowledge to find the area and perimeter of rectangles. A problem was given to us that was an irregular shape and we had to think carefully about how we could split the shape into rectangles to make it easier.
Today Mrs Jackson gave us a problem to work through. We were given a sheet that had a rectangle and a triangle on it. We had to work out which shape covered the most paper. Both shapes looked quite similar in size. As usual we couldn't just guess - we had to prove it! Working in pairs we explored different ways of working this problem out. Thinking about what we know about area and geometry was very useful.
Mrs Jackson was impressed with the great maths conversations that were taking place and the different maths knowledge that was being used. She was also pleased with the perseverance shown by all students - not one student said 'this is too hard' or 'I give up!'. In Room 7 we accept challenges and always try our best!
Reef and Liam Barron showing great focus and concentration! |
Angus and Reuben trying out a different idea... |
Hannah and Ava testing their ideas |
Some great thinking going on here from Sophia and Laura |
We are looking forward to Athletics Day next Wednesday. We have all been practicing our skills in jumping, throwing and running. Lets hope this rain stops!!
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